Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Me Time: Vital for Maintaining Relationships


We live very hectic lives. We often have stressful jobs, come home to take care of the children and spouses, pets, and piled-up household chores. There seems to hardly be any time left to relax, let alone keep relationships fresh, exciting and healthy. As a result, many couples start to drift apart. Families start to drift apart. The good news is that does not have to happen to you, my friend.

By occasionally taking time off and spending it at some of the local escapes, you can find refresh, refocus and rejuvenate yourself.  With our limited spare time, it is often difficult to take extended vacations; but, surely you can spend a couple of days on a weekend getaway.  It is important to rekindle your passion for your spouse, refocus on the importance of family, and just plain have some fun with each other. Forget about paying bills, soccer practice, ballet lessons, cleaning the carpet and other things that won’t matter after you’re gone. What your family will have left are the memories that they shared with you. Will that memory be one where you never spent time with them? Will it be one where they felt that everything else was more important than they were?  

You need time to yourself. If you are all spent out, you have little to give to others.  A local coffee shop, bookstore, or park can provide some breathing space and time to do some of the things that you enjoy. You may even book a suite at one of your local hotels and treat yourself to some much deserved rest and relaxation.  How would it feel to go to an unhurried breakfast Instead of the urgency of others wanting you to get up to go make breakfast? Or, you and your spouse could cuddle undisturbed, and sleep until your body is truly rested. Think about it. Life is short, but the memories of your spouse and family are long.