Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Billy Graham is Still Speaking

I grew up listening to Billy Graham with my parents as a child. I am amazed that he is still staying active with writing and contributing his voice to the events of today. He could have decided to go into "retirement", never to be heard from again. But, he continues to keep his mind active, and I admire that about him.  He is aging gracefully and with dignity. Often, the media presents the elderly as bum-fumbling, cranky, and less than desirable people to be around. Rev. Billy Graham definitely does not fit this mold!

“Storm Warning” Poised To Find New Audience

<b>“Storm Warning” Poised To Find New Audience</b>“></td>
<p>(<a href=NewsUSA) – Billy Graham, an iconic spiritual advisor who has preached to more people around the world than any other religious leader in history, sees warning signs in current events. “Depression today not only describes the hard economic state of affairs sweeping our world but the human state of mind,” writes Graham. “I see this unfolding phenomenon as one of the many storm clouds hovering over a lost and dying world.”
To help people weather today’s economic and cultural climate, Graham has completely revised his book “Storm Warning” which was originally written and published in 1992, in response to the fall of Communism and the Gulf War.
“Trouble brewing in the Middle East especially heightened interest in what the Bible had to say about the end days,” Graham writes. “People began to wonder if there might really be something to the ancient prophecies spoken by God’s prophets, and confirmed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This new edition of “Storm Warning” offers Graham’s perspective on the post-9/11 world. “We felt that in light of recent developments since 9/11 it might be helpful to reprint the book, bringing it up to date since the turn of the century,” writes Graham’s son, Franklin, in the book’s foreword.
The book looks at current events and how they relate to Biblical prophecy, especially a small part of the book of Revelations. “Scripture speaks of earthquakes, wars, and rumors of wars, and warns us with urgency to prepare for the storms to come,” writes Graham.
God may bring storms, Graham posits, but He also offers shelter. “Just as a laser pen helps focus attention on vital aspects of a business presentation, in this book, I hope to use God’s Word -; His laser beam — to shed light on His revealed plan to save the human race from the explosive clouds rumbling through our world.”
For more information, visit

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