Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How to Take a SPA For Your Spirit

SPAs and retreats have been around for long time. SPAs offer a time of retreat. The dictionary defines retreat as withdrawal. When a person retreats, he/she withdraws from life; gains a new perspective and recharges. Jesus was known to retreat, so why is it that we do not see the need to? We can take a mini retreat any time that we need one. Here’s how to prepare yourself.
 Get disconnected from the outside world.

“Fast” from your cell phone except in emergency situations. Remember, you are creating some “alone time” for yourself and creating more time with God. Technology make us always assessable and focused on too many distractions.

·         Trust and enjoy the silence.

We have become so accustomed to the noise around us. However, understanding that sound distracts ones’ mind and makes you incapable of listening to the inner voice is reason enough to “Be Still” as God commands when we are told to “Be still and know that I am God”. Silence truly is golden and is nothing to be afraid of. Learn to appreciate silence and take it as an opportunity to do some inner analysis. Ask yourself some questions and listen within for the answers.

·         Set realistic goals.

Realistic goals are the key to  achieving success in life. The same applies even to your spiritual retreat. A simple goal like having some time with God will do. Make it as distraction-free as possible. Another goal may be to do some self-reflection in order to plan for the next season of your life.

·         Talk to God

During your retreat, you have decided to spend time with God. Take maximum advantage of this time. Talk to God about yourself, about your family, about your goals in life, about your surroundings and about everything else that comes to your mind. Then, be quiet and listen for His input.

·         Journal about your insights.

Being negligent about this aspect is like letting a thief steal from you. Once you get back to the busyness of life, it’s so easy to forget the gold that was minded during this time of reflection and meditation. Having insights and wisdom written down will encourage you to put into practice the things you learned while on your SPA for the Spirit.

·         You should also be careful when selecting a location. Go for a place located in a scenic surrounding. This will help put your mind at ease and let you disconnect yourself from the outside world  easier.

·         Listen to music that it relaxing and quieting to the spirit.

A spiritual retreat is the most effective way to gain spiritual direction and insight. Prepare yourself and you will get the most from it. Be blessed.

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