Thursday, May 18, 2023

A Strong Finish Requires A Strong Start

Be healthy, wealthy, and wise because “the first wealth is health” as said by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I live by the motto: My “Health is My Wealth”. Some may say that this cliché is overused, but it must remain in the forefront of our consciousness if we are to live a live of intentionality and purpose. I talk to myself like I talk to the people that I mentor. After all, I must practice what I preach. To me, it almost seems  prophetic: take care of you and you will finish strong. Taking care of our bodies is just as important as taking care of our finances, our relationships, our minds, and our spirits. We want to " live long and prosper", as Dr. Spock once said on the television show Star Trek. We want to "get our grind on”,  get ahead, and be an influencer but without health, getting ahead often won’t be important or enjoyable in the long run. We were not designed to burn the candle at both ends for long periods of time. Our body's clock, our heart rate, the healthy milestone markers and  guidelines for health are meant to help us live a life of health consciousness in order to be successful in our lives and relationships. So, let’s strive to be wealthy and successful in ways other than in our wallets.  Don’t get me wrong. Having money is nice, provides access, and provides the means to advance God’s kingdom. But, let’s strive with intentionality and determination to be healthy enough to accomplish our purpose in life and truly enjoy the things that money, education, and even status provide access to. I sponsored a Finish Strong Challenge and Conference and hope that you will join me.for the next one. Information will be provided in the Fall of 2023 for the 2024 Challenge through my multi-media and digital platforms. Sign up at Why? Because so many trade time for money. So many  inadvertently or mindlessly trade their health for money. But poor health is often an accumulation of poor habits, poor decisions, and is the thief of our precious time through poor energy, illness, absence from work, hospital stays, and even early deaths. In other words, we have not been intentional.

Let's take control of our lives; our mental, physical, and spiritual health; our finances; be a good steward of our time and bodies; and not be afraid of leaving our comfort zones when it comes to diet, exercise, and mindsets. My next series of articles will address the detrimental mindsets, the achievable mastery of our health, and our power and ability to make these necessary changes to live long and prosper. 
The Finish Strong Challenge will truly challenge you to be intentional and develop or wake up that "I've got this" mindset! Begin to ask yourself today, 
What am I leaving behind as a health legacy inheritance? How can I avoid impulsive health spending? How can I make wiser decisions? The Challenge will be a collaboration among many partners with AllThingsCanady.
Won't you decide today to intentionally invest in your health with longevity and the future in mind?
I look forward to partnering with you to finish 2022 Strong  and begin 2023 even stronger! We've got this!! So, let's show up and produce stronger mindsets, stronger families, stronger churches, and stronger communities. Until the next issue, intentionally choose to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Be blessed. You may reach me at


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Live Life to the Fulllest


Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that he has come that we may live life abundantly. This abundance includes both prosperity and health; a life abounding in joy and a sound body and soul. Abundance also implies the lack of emptiness and the lack of feeling unfulfilled.

A life of abundance begins with a relationship with God. Matthew 6:33 says to "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness". Since he knows what we need, he will provide them as a result of our relationship with him. As this relationship becomes our focus, so does our purpose. God knows the purpose that he has for each of us as he declared to Jeremiah: "I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11).

The Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, kindness, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) allows us to experience a harvest of this abundant life (Galatians 5:22).

Ken Davis has written about his life as a member of the "walking dead", living an unfulfilled life mentally, physically and spiritually. Read further to hear what he has to say.

A Comedian's Take on How to Live a Full Life

When you hear the words like walking dead, you may think of AMC™'s hit zombie show "The Walking Dead", but you don't have to lack a pulse or crave human flesh to go throughout your life like a zombie.

The debilitating effects of depression assault 15 million Americans these days. By 2020, it is estimated that depression will become the second most common health problem in the world. But depression isn't the only issue preventing adults from feeling content each day; perhaps it's a stagnant job, poor health, a loss of faith or countless other factors.

Author, comedian and keynote speaker Ken Davis was a member of the walking dead for years before he realized he was living an unfulfilled life mentally, physically and spiritually.

This idea of living fully alive is not some thrill-seeking quest. It doesn't require leaping from an airplane or riding bicycles at breakneck speeds or jumping a log cabin on skis, says Davis. I've done all that. What I longed for was to experience that sense of adventure in my everyday life. Shouldn't we feel some of the excitement that comes from jumping off a fifty-foot cliff when we jump out of bed?

Ideally, yes. But as adults get caught up in the stressors of daily life like work, commuting, and bills.  I's easy to lose sight of the many components that interact to form a meaningful, healthy life.

The very nature of the words "fully alive" implies completeness, Davis says. We are physical, social, mental and spiritual beings. To ignore any aspect of our humanity is to be only partially alive. "I'm not interested in partial life any more than I am interested in partial plates or premature death".

Davis shared his epiphany and desire to reinvigorate life in his newest book, “Fully Alive: A Journey That Will Change Your Life. Here's a snapshot of the advice Davis offers to his readers:

  •  Kick guilt to the curb, and experience real freedom.

  •     Be active for an hour a day, and find ways to push your body to its limit several times in that hour.

  •  Develop spirituality in your life, whether through prayer, meditation, reading, connecting with nature or attending a religious service.

  •  Focus on positive behaviors and goals, not problems and fears.

Basically, Davis's philosophy can be summed up in the newest acronym flying through Twitter, YOLO: you only live once. See what else Davis can teach you at

Live life to the fullest, not as one who is alive and breathing, but dead!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Billy Graham is Still Speaking

I grew up listening to Billy Graham with my parents as a child. I am amazed that he is still staying active with writing and contributing his voice to the events of today. He could have decided to go into "retirement", never to be heard from again. But, he continues to keep his mind active, and I admire that about him.  He is aging gracefully and with dignity. Often, the media presents the elderly as bum-fumbling, cranky, and less than desirable people to be around. Rev. Billy Graham definitely does not fit this mold!

“Storm Warning” Poised To Find New Audience

<b>“Storm Warning” Poised To Find New Audience</b>“></td>
<p>(<a href=NewsUSA) – Billy Graham, an iconic spiritual advisor who has preached to more people around the world than any other religious leader in history, sees warning signs in current events. “Depression today not only describes the hard economic state of affairs sweeping our world but the human state of mind,” writes Graham. “I see this unfolding phenomenon as one of the many storm clouds hovering over a lost and dying world.”
To help people weather today’s economic and cultural climate, Graham has completely revised his book “Storm Warning” which was originally written and published in 1992, in response to the fall of Communism and the Gulf War.
“Trouble brewing in the Middle East especially heightened interest in what the Bible had to say about the end days,” Graham writes. “People began to wonder if there might really be something to the ancient prophecies spoken by God’s prophets, and confirmed by His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.”
This new edition of “Storm Warning” offers Graham’s perspective on the post-9/11 world. “We felt that in light of recent developments since 9/11 it might be helpful to reprint the book, bringing it up to date since the turn of the century,” writes Graham’s son, Franklin, in the book’s foreword.
The book looks at current events and how they relate to Biblical prophecy, especially a small part of the book of Revelations. “Scripture speaks of earthquakes, wars, and rumors of wars, and warns us with urgency to prepare for the storms to come,” writes Graham.
God may bring storms, Graham posits, but He also offers shelter. “Just as a laser pen helps focus attention on vital aspects of a business presentation, in this book, I hope to use God’s Word -; His laser beam — to shed light on His revealed plan to save the human race from the explosive clouds rumbling through our world.”
For more information, visit

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Have you ever been traveling and followed the GPS to a dead end street or to the middle of a construction site? Or, worse yet, have the signal get lost? I make it a habit to copy the directions on paper as a back-up in case I have no signal and risk getting lost. Here's some "additional "old school" advice to help make travel safer now that the weather is beginning to get warmer.

GPS Is Not Foolproof. A Map Still Makes the Most of Summer Travel

Five words or less(NewsUSA) – It’s the season of sunshine and road trips — and if you want to get the most out of your four-wheeled adventure, you better pack a map to go along with that electronic GPS.
“The best reason to keep paper maps in your vehicle, especially on long road trips, is because GPS isn’t always reliable,” says Cynthia Ochterbeck, editorial director of Michelin Travel Partner.
Confirming this trend, a 2013 Harris Interactive survey of 2,200 U.S. drivers who use GPS found that 63 percent say that the technology has led them astray at least once by pointing them in the wrong direction or creating complex, confusing and incorrect routes.
So, while it may seem that paper maps have gone the way of Atari’s Pong, they are still just as important as ever — not to mention many other benefits that you don’t get with some GPS devices.
“One of the greatest characteristics of paper maps is that you get all of the details, [such as] points of interest,” says Ochterbeck. “Plus, you don’t risk getting lost when you lose the signal or the battery dies on your cell phone or GPS device.”
Another benefit is that, in addition to printed maps providing efficient ways of understanding road networks that surround particular areas, the information is very reliable. Plus, new specialized maps, like Michelin’s Zoom Maps, are aiming to enhance the paper map experience.
Most people recognize Michelin for its tires, but, unknown to many, it also has a 112-year history of creating maps and travel guides. In fact, it provided the maps that were used by the Allies for the D-Day invasion. Improving on this history, the new Zoom Maps offer seven regional maps for travel in the U.S., with the ability to zoom in on more detail in urban areas. In addition, the new maps have a “not-to-be-missed” event calendar for regions, in an easy-to-fold system so you don’t have to unfold the entire map.
“Technology is great, but a printed map is one of the most important tools a traveler in an unfamiliar setting can have — the battery doesn’t die, it is easy to use, and it allows you to make decisions on route changes if necessary,” says Ochterbeck. “Even better, there are no roaming or data charges to worry about.”
For more information, visit

Friday, March 13, 2015

Spring Cleaning is in the Air

Spring is right around the corner. If you're like me, you can't wait to get outside and enjoy the nice weather! With Spring also comes some much needed repairs to the home, spring-cleaning inside, and planting flowers and shrubbery. Consider these tips to select the next color for your home's exterior.

8 Tips to Selecting Colors for Your Home’s Exterior

(NewsUSA) – You’ve no doubt driven down a street, seen a house, and thought, “Yikes! What were they thinking?”
Colors can evoke a visceral response, especially on home exteriors. At once both personal and public, colors make a first impression, can accentuate attributes and soften flaws and offer a glimpse into your personality.
“Homeowners can be influenced by many sources — friends and neighbors, magazines, TV shows or the guy at the hardware store — so you’ll need to be careful you’re not just chasing the latest trend; otherwise, your house might be the one that people end up rolling their eyes at,” says PBS home improvement expert Vicki Payne.
Payne says you’ll be happy for years to come by following eight tips on selecting colors for your home’s exterior:
1. Deciding between bright and cheerful colors or deep, rich earth tones will influence all other decisions.
2. Pick colors that will blend in with your surroundings.
3. Make sure your choices in siding and trim don’t clash with materials you are not going to replace, such as roof shingles, brick, stone and tile.
4. The size and lot location of your house matter. Light colors can make a house look bigger, and dark colors can make it look smaller.
5. Landscaping will continue to grow and change colors as the seasons change, so trees, shrubs and flowering gardens need to be considered.
6. Use neutral colors to de-emphasize things such as an air conditioning unit or gutters and downspouts, and use contrasting or accent colors to highlight things such as architectural detailing, porch railings, windows and front doors.
7. Computer visualizers can give a general idea of what colors will look like, but large swatches (about 2 by 3 feet) give a truer look at what colors might actually look like on your home. (Take a look at the swatches at different times of day. The colors will look different as the intensity of the sunlight changes.)
8. Make it last. Who wants to invest thousands of dollars every few years to re-paint? An alternative is pre-painted planks, but their finishes degrade just like paint. Better are cladding products that are certified and warranted to retain their color over their lifespan. Vinyl and other polymeric siding manufactures incorporate color at the front end of production — actually blending the pigment into the formulation. The color can’t chip, pit or peel, giving homeowners peace of mind that they won’t have to paint or repair the finish. And just like the leading paint manufactures, vinyl siding, soffit, trim and accessories come in an enormous number of colors — from classic lighter colors to deep barn reds, hunter and sage greens, deep blues and more.
“Keeping your home’s exterior looking fresh and timely doesn’t have to be challenging,” Payne says.
For more information about certified vinyl siding, visit

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Southern Food is Comfort Food

Try this recipe for those days when you want to feel good. Enjoy the cheesy goodness.

Classic Mac ’N’ Cheese: An Easy Peasy Recipe

For so many, macaroni and cheese is a hands-down favorite comfort food. A specialty dish that was introduced to America by Thomas Jefferson, it was his cousin Mary Randolph who popularized it in her cookbook “The Virginia Housewife,” published in 1824.
Whether you dress it up or down or enjoy it as a side or main dish, macaroni and cheese offers delicious versatility and partners perfectly with many meals. It travels well, too, for tailgating or bring-a-dish parties.
This particular macaroni and cheese recipe uses three cheeses, giving it a rich, creamy texture and fantastic flavor. While curly pasta is pictured here, you can easily substitute elbow. With so many tasty possibilities, don’t limit yourself to the variations below.
2 cups (8 ounces) curly or elbow style pasta
1/2 stick butter, divided
1/2 cup plain breadcrumbs
1/2 teaspoon paprika
3 tablespoons flour
3 cups milk
1 4-ounce log chevre (a fresh, soft un-ripened goat cheese)
2 cups coarsely shredded Jarlsberg cheese
1 cup cubed American cheese
Preheat oven to 350. Butter a 2-quart round ovenproof casserole dish. Cook pasta one minute less than package directions; transfer to colander, and drain. In same pot over very low heat, melt butter; remove from heat. Measure 2 tablespoons butter and, in small bowl, combine it with breadcrumbs and paprika. Set aside.
Return pot to heat. Whisk in flour and simmer until bubbly (1 minute). Gradually add milk, goat cheese and shredded Jarlsberg. Cook over very low heat, stirring constantly until mixture is creamy and thickens slightly. Return pasta to the pot and toss until coated; mix in diced American cheese. Transfer to prepped casserole dish and sprinkle with buttered breadcrumbs. Bake 30 minutes or until center is bubbly-hot and crumbs are golden. Serves 8-10.
When combining pasta with cheese sauce, fold in:
•    2 cups cooked small shrimp (or one can of tuna, drained) with 1 cup frozen petite peas.
•    2 cups each chopped cooked beef and mushrooms.
•    2 cups each cubed kielbasa or ham and chopped grape tomatoes. Instead of buttered breadcrumb topping, top with crushed, lightly salted tortilla chips.
•    2 cups each chopped cooked chicken and broccoli florets.
•    2 cups cauliflower florets with 1 cup cooked crumbled bacon.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How to Take a SPA For Your Spirit

SPAs and retreats have been around for long time. SPAs offer a time of retreat. The dictionary defines retreat as withdrawal. When a person retreats, he/she withdraws from life; gains a new perspective and recharges. Jesus was known to retreat, so why is it that we do not see the need to? We can take a mini retreat any time that we need one. Here’s how to prepare yourself.
 Get disconnected from the outside world.

“Fast” from your cell phone except in emergency situations. Remember, you are creating some “alone time” for yourself and creating more time with God. Technology make us always assessable and focused on too many distractions.

·         Trust and enjoy the silence.

We have become so accustomed to the noise around us. However, understanding that sound distracts ones’ mind and makes you incapable of listening to the inner voice is reason enough to “Be Still” as God commands when we are told to “Be still and know that I am God”. Silence truly is golden and is nothing to be afraid of. Learn to appreciate silence and take it as an opportunity to do some inner analysis. Ask yourself some questions and listen within for the answers.

·         Set realistic goals.

Realistic goals are the key to  achieving success in life. The same applies even to your spiritual retreat. A simple goal like having some time with God will do. Make it as distraction-free as possible. Another goal may be to do some self-reflection in order to plan for the next season of your life.

·         Talk to God

During your retreat, you have decided to spend time with God. Take maximum advantage of this time. Talk to God about yourself, about your family, about your goals in life, about your surroundings and about everything else that comes to your mind. Then, be quiet and listen for His input.

·         Journal about your insights.

Being negligent about this aspect is like letting a thief steal from you. Once you get back to the busyness of life, it’s so easy to forget the gold that was minded during this time of reflection and meditation. Having insights and wisdom written down will encourage you to put into practice the things you learned while on your SPA for the Spirit.

·         You should also be careful when selecting a location. Go for a place located in a scenic surrounding. This will help put your mind at ease and let you disconnect yourself from the outside world  easier.

·         Listen to music that it relaxing and quieting to the spirit.

A spiritual retreat is the most effective way to gain spiritual direction and insight. Prepare yourself and you will get the most from it. Be blessed.